How easy does Askbot make it to customize its HTML?
Does Askbot have a half-way clean basis to customize the site's appearance? What I'm seeing from outside looks good, all the elements have distinct classes and IDs, which makes most things possible...
View ArticleHTML Tags in titles getting eaten
It seems that HTML tags in titles are swallowed instead of escaped to HTML entities.> Clarification: I do not mean allowing HTML in TITLE tags, but converting `<` and `>` into their respective...
View ArticleBug: Horizontal Rule in Comment breaks stylesheet [fixed]
At least is does at I'll try to add a comment below with an hr element to show you.
View ArticleBug: The Preformatted Button Isn't Inserting pre tags
For my last post the pre-formatted text button didn't work, but when I typed in <pre>MY TEXT HERE</pre> it worked just fine. It would be nice if the horizontal scroll bar didn't appear as I...
View ArticleCan we force the karma to show on the line after the name?
It looks like if your karma is over 1000, and you've got lots of badges, the karma appears beside the username in your answers. Just adding a before the karma tag fixes this. I'm adding it to my...
View ArticleUsing international characters and html5lib
I just installed askbot, when posting a question with international characters I always got MSG: [...] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/html5lib/",...
View ArticleUI Designer for an askbot-based website
I created an educational website called TrueShelf ( ) based on askbot code. I am looking for a front-end designer to completely change the look-and-feel of TrueShelf....
View ArticleEnhancement suggestion: enable HTML "kbd" tags
On the Q&A Askbot site I most regularly contribute to, I sometimes indicate keyboard input by means of the back-ticks to get the monospace font, e.g. `Esc`, `F1`, etc. However, this is the "code"...
View ArticleHTML tag is shown in user profile page
I have deployed askbot with the latest revision from master branch and I found that ``tags will be automatically added in user's profile description, which is not the case on the askbot hosting site...
View ArticleHTML Formatting not provided in RSS Feed
I am unable to post screenshots but check these images on and Basically, when I receive Askbot posts in my RSS reader they are a big blob of text without any html...
View ArticlePost a table(any type) on askbot
I'm having a issues with posting a table in askbot post HTML tags are not recognized, i tried to manually adjust but it doesnt 'see' space key i know i can use but it takes to much effort when table...
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